Do you know about Stock market? If we talk to share market so it's very risky place for everybody. Many people trade in market with think that earning will be lot of money, but few people get good opportunity in this field while few people who doesn't earn enough return. Reason is that those people who don't know about proper information in market.If we talk too invested of trader method it could be two types: first is that Technical and second is that fundamental.First fall if we talk to fundamental method so it is stock evaluation method that uses financial and economic study to forecast the movement of stock prices.Second is that Technical analysis calls or method so it is based on prices and amount understand the whole thing in the market. They study charts for forecasting of future stock prices or financial prices movements. In this method learning whole market in proper way and generate calls with target prices and stop loss.Those looking for stock market help can fi nd a broad selection of broker, Daily report market with help of internet. And, those consideration investments into the market will want to take the time to thoroughly research the domestic and global stock market ,gaining a working knowledge of what effects the up and down trend and how its working play.Under stock market you can s subscribe services by market advisory company such as They study charts for forecasting of future stock prices or financial prices movements. In this method learning whole market in proper way and generate calls with target prices and stop loss.Those looking for stock market help can find a broad selection of broker, Daily report market with help of internet. And, those consideration investments into the Intraday cash, Option calls and put,Intraday future,Commodity Bullion,Delivery calls,Commodity agri etc.If we talk to commodity market so it's consider two things-First is that MCX (Multi commodity exchange) and second is that NCDEX.MCX Commodit y:Precious commodity-Under this commodity comes precious metal like gold and silver.Base metal-Under this commodity comes lead, zinc, copper.Energy commodity -Under this commodity comes energy like Crude oil and Natural gas.NCDEX Commodity:In thir Commodity comes all agri commodity like gyarseed,suger,rice etc. Predicting the next move in the markets id the key to making money in trding,but putting this simple concept into action is much harder than it sounds. Professional forex trader have long known that trading currencies require looking beyond the world.